Burton Memorial

Our Counters Team is responsible for counting offerings collected from Sunday Services and special events.  This is usually done on Sunday’s following both worship services or on Monday morning.

If you are interested in learning more about this ministry, please contact the church office.


An Uncommon Church for A Common People.

United Methodist Church

Burton Memorial UMC

(305) 852-2581, office

(305) 852-4917, fax

93001 Overseas Hwy

Tavernier, FL 33070

Office Email: bae_bmumc@att.net

Pastor: pastordavidc12@yahoo.com

Office Hours: Mon-Thurs, 9:00am to 4:00pm; Friday, Office Closed.

Sunday Services:

Our Sunday Service is at 10:00 am.  The service is also online at our facebook page.  Click the "Like Page" box below.

Our Church is located at Mile Marker 93 on US Highway 1 on Oceanside.